Ways to Give: You can donate the money to Star Family Ministries and designate Haiti and we will get the money to Pastor Paul and give you a tax receipt if you so desire. Online giving click the donate button above. After you make your donation please send an e mail to: [email protected] letting us know about your donation and amount so we can get it to Haiti.
If you would like to donate directly to Pastor Paul please contact our ministry office and we will give you instructions how to do it. Thank you for considering the poor! phone (713)464-2317 For more information about the Hide the Word In Your Heart Club visit www.heartclub.com
Have You ever heard the story of the Starfish?
Yes, there are many that need help! But you can make a difference to these precious children in the Artibonite region of Haiti.
FOOD: Our son Paul has been to Haiti many times and he explained to us the children's situations. Many children are given to orphanages because their parents are so poor they can't feed them. The churches however endeavor to help the families by giving them seeds to plant and having meals at the church. In this way the children can stay with their parents which is much better.
Pastor Paul-Edouard ChouChou in Gonaieves has a desire to get a better meeting place for the children. As you can see in the pictures he needs something more sturdy and larger. He has many children that would like to participate in the club, but the facility is too small. So your donation would be so vital in helping him get a better facility.
As you may know Haiti is the poorest country in our hemisphere. It is amazing how they are managing with so little. Here are some statistics from the Haiti Health Ministries site:
Haiti At A Glance:
Population: 10,746,000 (824 persons/sq mile)
Life expectancy: 62.7 years
Yearly income per capita: $817 (poorest in Western Hemisphere, 3rd poorest in world)
Literacy rate: 60.7% (95.5% in US)
Persons per physician: 4,000 (385 in US)
Infant mortality per 1000 live births: 59 (7.5 in US)
Maternal mortality per 100,000 births: 160 (12 in US)
Yearly health care expenditure per capita: $77 ($2765 in US)
You can see from the statistics how just $20 goes a long way in Haiti.
Would you prayerfully consider helping Pastor Paul-Edouard ChouChou with a donation each month? This would enable him to feed the children he works with, get a better facility, and reach more children.
We can't throw all of the starfish back into the sea, but we can make a difference for these starfish, the precious children of the Artibonite region of Haiti.
If you prefer you can also mail a donation to: Help Haiti P.O. Box 2851 Bellaire, Texas 77402 Help Haiti is a 501c3 non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible.